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  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Pânzari, Ludmila (S.n., 1989)
    The edition includes materials about the life and work of the writer B.P. Hasdeu published in books and periodicals from 1974 to 1989. The bibliographic index is made up of two sections: The work of B.P. Hasdeu and Literature ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Centrul de Informare și Documentare „Chișinău” (S.n., 1989)
    The edition represents a recommendation list made by the Municipal Library "B.P.Hasdeu" on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the birth of Valeriu Cupcea, actor and theater and film director. The work includes a series ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; ; Pânzari, Ludmila (S.n., 1989)
    The index includes the literature about the Romanian poet and publicist Mihai Eminescu, edited during the years 1970-1989. The edition includes: the sketch "Personality and time" (C. Popovici), Literature about the life ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Verebcean, Taisia (Biblioteca Municipală B.P. Hasdeu, 1989)
    The bibliographic index reveals the creation of Dumitru Matcovschi poet, prose writer, academician, publicist and playwright from the Republic of Moldova. The index is partially annotated and contains: novels, short stories, ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu” (S.n., 1989)
    The edition „Am crescut solul Patriei” is intended to familiarize the reader with the work of Bogdan Istru, a poet from the Republic of Moldova. The index was developed by the Municipal Library "B.P. Hasdeu" on the occasion ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Centrul de Informare și Documentare „Chișinău” (Universitas, 1992)
    The aim of the index is to present the publications dedicated to Alexei Mateevici, poet, publicist, folklorist, translator.
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Centrul de Informare și Documentare „Chișinău” (Universitas, 1992)
    The edition was developed by the Municipal Library "B. P. Hasdeu" on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the birth of children's writer Spiridon Vangheli, author of the famous children's book „Isprăvile lui Guguță”.
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Salinschi, Angela (Universitas, 1993)
    The index refers to the life and creation of the composer Eugen Doga and includes: instrumental creations, vocal creations (choirs, solo songs, children's songs), disc recordings, interviews, conversations, articles with ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Драганов, Петр; Kulikovski, Lidia; Colesnic, Iurie (Universitas, 1993)
    Ediția a fost realizată de Petre Draganov, enciclopedist, un om de știință, filolog slav, etnograf și istoric literar, director al Seminarului pedagogic din Rovninsk, și reprezintă un Index bibliografic alfabetic al surselor ...
  • David, Alexandru; Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Kulikovski, Lidia; Colesnic, Iurie (Universitas, 1993)
    This volume gives the reader the opportunity to get to know the writings of Alexandru David, journalist and eminent bibliographer. The edition contains: 1. A preface signed by Lidia Kulikovski; 2. A bibliographer by ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Pânzari, Ludmila (Museum, 1995)
    The bibliography is dedicated to the poet Grigore Vieru and includes his work as a poet, publicist, translator, composer, songs based on the poet's verses, speeches, interviews, journalistic articles, literary criticism, ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Kolomoițev, Tatiana; Detișin, Olga (Museum, 1996)
    The bibliography is dedicated to the painter Glebus Sainciuc and includes paintings, graphics, portraits of famous people, literature about the painter's life and work, interviews, conversations, his articles, artistic ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; ; Verebcean, Taisia; Pânzari, Ludmila (redactor); ; Kulikovski, Lidia (ediție îngrijită) (Museum, 1996)
    The aim of the work is to inform the general public about the literature related to Chisinau and reflects the diversity of the social-political, economic and cultural life of the municipality. Lucrarea are ca scop ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Filiala „Mihail Lomonosov”; Strelina, Ina (Museum, 1999)
    This bibliography is dedicated to the bicentenary of the birth of the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. The purpose of the work is to elucidate the writer's literary activity and life during his stay in Bessarabia. The ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Tamara Grati (Biblioteca Municipala B.P. Hasdeu, 2001)
    This paper is a bibliography about the well-known Basarabian historien, politician.
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Antufiev, Silvia; Centrul de Informare și Documentare „Chișinău” (Colograf-Com, 2002)
    The bibliographic guide includes poems, epigrams, parodies, stories, screenplays, signed by Titus Știrbu, poet, parodist, screenwriter and translator from the Republic of Moldova.Chronological limits of the bibliography - ...
  • Șpac, Ion; Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Academia de Științe a Republicii Moldova, Biblioteca Științifică Centrală; Kulikovski, Lidia; Pânzari, Ludmila; Pohilă, Vlad (Pontos, 2002)
    Bibliografia include informații din cuprinsul revistei „Viaţa Basarabiei”, revistă de cultură generală, editată în perioada 1932-1944 de Asociaţia culturală „Cuvânt Moldovenesc”, fondator și preşedinte al Asociației fiind ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Centrul de Informare și Documentare „Chișinău”; Kulikovski, Lidia; Pohilă, Vlad (Colograf-com, 2002)
    Bibliografia a fost editată cu prilejul aniversării a 125 ani de activitate ai Bibliotecii Municipale „B.P. Hasdeu” și include diferite tipuri de documente, care reflectă activitatea bibliotecii: rapoarte, programe de ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Biblioteca Publică „Târgu-Mureș”; Tasmalî, Maria; Șatravca, Claudia (Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”, 2003)
    The bibliography was elaborated on the occasion of the 330th anniversary of the birth of Dimitrie Cantemir, ruler of Moldova, scientist, philosopher, historian, politician, composer, musicologist, linguist, ethnographer, ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Biblioteca Publică „Onisifor Ghibu”; Vulpe, Elena; Gorobeţ, Galina (Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”, 2003)
    The bibliography was elaborated on the occasion of the 330th anniversary of the birth of Dimitrie Cantemir, ruler of Moldova, scientist, philosopher, historian, politician, composer, musicologist, linguist, ethnographer, ...

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