Cercetare bibliografică: Recent submissions

  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Centrul de Informare și Documentare „Chișinău”; Pânzari, Ludmila (S.n., 1989)
    The index includes the literature about the Romanian poet and publicist Mihai Eminescu, edited during the years 1970-1989. The edition includes: the sketch "Personality and time" (C. Popovici), Literature about the life ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Centrul de Informare și Documentare „Chișinău” (S.n., 1989)
    The edition represents a recommendation list made by the Municipal Library "B.P.Hasdeu" on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the birth of Valeriu Cupcea, actor and theater and film director. The work includes a series ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu” (Grafema Libris, 2016)
    This edition, developed by the „B.P Hasdeu” Municipal Library, is a kind of linguistic-pictorial game between the poetry, drawings and books of Iulian Filip, poet, writer, playwright from the Republic of Moldova. The edition ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Biblioteca Județeană „George Coșbuc” Bistrița-Năsăud; Tutun, Irina (Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2014)
    Liviu Rebreanu — creator de destine: catalog-bibliografie, is a joint project of the Municipal Library „B.P. Hasdeu” from Chisinau and the Bistrița-Năsăud County Library from Romania. The aim of the bibliography is to ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Pânzari, Ludmila (S.n., 1989)
    The edition includes materials about the life and work of the writer B.P. Hasdeu published in books and periodicals from 1974 to 1989. The bibliographic index is made up of two sections: The work of B.P. Hasdeu and Literature ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Verebcean, Taisia (Biblioteca Municipală B.P. Hasdeu, 1989)
    The bibliographic index reveals the creation of Dumitru Matcovschi poet, prose writer, academician, publicist and playwright from the Republic of Moldova. The index is partially annotated and contains: novels, short stories, ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Filiala „Mihail Lomonosov”; Strelina, Ina (Museum, 1999)
    This bibliography is dedicated to the bicentenary of the birth of the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. The purpose of the work is to elucidate the writer's literary activity and life during his stay in Bessarabia. The ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Filiala „Ovidius”; Ciobanu, Liuba; Butucel, Elena (S.n., 2013)
    The biobibliography reflects the literary and journalistic activity of the writer Nicolae Rusu. The volume includes: the author's confessions, the introductory study signed by the well-known Romanian critic Theodor Codreanu, ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Filiala Miron Costin; Kravciuk, Natalia (Magna-Princeps, 2011)
    The biobibliography is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of translator, literary critic, publicist Argentina Cupcea-Josu, sister of the famous actor and director Valeriu Cupcea. Over the years, Argentina ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Centrul de Informare și Documentare „Chișinău”; Biblioteca Publică „Ștefan cel Mare”; Loghin, Liuba; Ciornîi, Lidia (Prut Internațional, 2006)
    The biobibliography is dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the birth of the writer Aurel Scobioală and reflects his creation and activity as a prose writer and translator.
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Biblioteca Publică „Târgu-Mureș”; Centrul de Informare și Documentare „Chișinău” (Ulysse, 2006)
    The work reflects the life and activity of the literary critic Eliza Botezatu, researcher, pedagogue, publicist. The biobibliography includes introductory studies signed by M.Dolgan, I Melniciuc, I. Șpac, V. Ciubucciu, N. ...
  • Biblioteca Publică „Alecu Russo”; Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Centrul de Informare și Documentare „Chișinău”; Mușat, Sofia (Museum, 2006)
    The bibliography is dedicated to Alecu Russo, Romanian poet, prose writer, essayist, memorialist and literary critic, native of Bessarabia, ideologue of the generation from 1848, author of the poem Cântarea României. The ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu” (S.n., 1989)
    The edition „Am crescut solul Patriei” is intended to familiarize the reader with the work of Bogdan Istru, a poet from the Republic of Moldova. The index was developed by the Municipal Library "B.P. Hasdeu" on the occasion ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Biblioteca Publică „Târgu-Mureș”; Tasmalî, Maria; Şatravca, Tatiana (Bons Offices, 2008)
    This biobibliography is designed and produced on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the writer Andrei Burac. The work includes a considerable volume of information from the literary and journalistic field, theater and ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Biblioteca Publică Ovidius; Ciobanu, Liuba; Cebotari, Margareta (Museum, 2005)
    This bibliography is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the writer, linguist and publicist Alexandru Gromov. The work presents the vast activity of one of the leading representatives of the first post-war generation of ...
  • Şatravca, Tatiana (Biblioteca Municipală B.P. Hasdeu, 2012)
    Vladimir Beşleagă : „..în creație axul moral este totul“ is a selective bibliography elaborated on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the birth of the writer Vladimir Beșleagă. The work reflects the protagonist's life, ...
  • Donos, Alexandru; Tutun, Irina (Biblioteca Municipală B.P. Hasdeu, 2010)
    This biobibliography is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the well-known publicist Alexandru Donos. The work includes: note on the edition, chronological table, a bibliography (approx. 720 titles), dedicated studies, ...
  • Ungureanu, Elena; Tâmbur, Zinaida (Biblioteca Municipală B.P. Hasdeu, 2022-08-31)
    The monograph is dedicated to the renowned linguist Maria Cosniceanu, doctor of philology, who worked all her life at the Institute of Philology of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. The volume includes: note on the ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Tamara Grati (Biblioteca Municipala B.P. Hasdeu, 2001)
    This paper is a bibliography about the well-known Basarabian historien, politician.
  • Unknown author (Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”, 2021)
    The paper is about the Moldova writer Nicolae Esinencu

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