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  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Pânzari, Ludmila (S.n., 1989)
    The edition includes materials about the life and work of the writer B.P. Hasdeu published in books and periodicals from 1974 to 1989. The bibliographic index is made up of two sections: The work of B.P. Hasdeu and Literature ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu” (Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”, 2012)
    The collection of books with dedications of personalities from the Republic of Moldova and abroad donated to the Municipal Library.
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Centrul de Informare și Documentare „Chișinău”; Tricolici, Claudia; Pohilă, Vlad; Kulikovski, Lidia (Pontos, 2002)
    Ediția este un catalog al cărţilor cu autografe şi dedicaţii, donate Bibliotecii Municipale „B.P. Hasdeu” şi filialelor ei. The edition is a catalog of books with autographs and dedications, donated to the Municipal ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Departamentul „Memoria Chișinăului” (S. n., 2016)
    This paper was developed on the occasion the 60th anniversary of Iurie Colesnic and the 40th anniversary of his literary activity. The paper includes the bibliographic description of the documents signed by the writer and ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Biblioteca Publică „Târgu-Mureș”; Tasmalî, Maria; Șatravca, Claudia (Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”, 2003)
    The bibliography was elaborated on the occasion of the 330th anniversary of the birth of Dimitrie Cantemir, ruler of Moldova, scientist, philosopher, historian, politician, composer, musicologist, linguist, ethnographer, ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Biblioteca Publică „Onisifor Ghibu”; Vulpe, Elena; Gorobeţ, Galina (Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”, 2003)
    The bibliography was elaborated on the occasion of the 330th anniversary of the birth of Dimitrie Cantemir, ruler of Moldova, scientist, philosopher, historian, politician, composer, musicologist, linguist, ethnographer, ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Biblioteca Publică „M.Ciachir”; Mahu, Ion; Pohilă, Vlad; Kulikovski, Lidia (Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”, 2004)
    Ediția este consacrată unei personalităţi cu interese multilaterale; scriitorul, savantul, profesorul, compozitorul şi interpretul Dionisie Tanasoglu. The edition is dedicated to a personality with multilateral interests; ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Centrul de Informare și Documentare „Chișinău”; Biblioteca Publică Ovidius; Cebotari, Margareta (S.n., 2009)
    The research of informational sources about Dobrogea was carried out on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Ovidius Library, a branch of the Municipal Library "B.P. Hasdeu" from Chisinau.
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Filiala de Arte „T. Arghezi” (S. n., 2015)
    This work contains bibliography with biographical notes about Vladimir Curbet's activity – compositional works, choreographic, ethnographic and folkloristic research, and information about the activity of the National ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Biblioteca Județeană „Duiliu Zamfirescu” Focşani; Biblioteca Publică „Ștefan cel Mare”; Fîntînaru, Teodora; Oprișan, Nicoleta; Ciornîi, Lidia (S.n., 2007)
    The biobibliography reflects the life and activity of the prose writer, poet, essayist and diplomat Duiliu Zamfirescu. The work includes introductory studies written by Mihai Cimpoi and Ioan Adam; chronological table, ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Verebcean, Taisia (Biblioteca Municipală B.P. Hasdeu, 1989)
    The bibliographic index reveals the creation of Dumitru Matcovschi poet, prose writer, academician, publicist and playwright from the Republic of Moldova. The index is partially annotated and contains: novels, short stories, ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Filiala „Alba Iulia” (Grafema Libris, 2013)
    This biobibliography is dedicated to Elena Tamazlâcaru. He presents materials from his activity as a journalist, essayist, poet, prose writer, presenter, author and editor of TV shows. The work is structured in three main ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Salinschi, Angela (Universitas, 1993)
    The index refers to the life and creation of the composer Eugen Doga and includes: instrumental creations, vocal creations (choirs, solo songs, children's songs), disc recordings, interviews, conversations, articles with ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Centrul Academic Internațional Eminescu (Grafema Libris, 2008)
    The biobibliography includes the literary, musical-artistic activity of the poet and journalist Galina Furdui, Verses in collections and periodical publications; Lyrics translated into other languages, critical notes, ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Centrul de Informare și Documentare „Chișinău” (1998)
    This bibliography is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the writer George Meniuc. It is the second completed and augmented edition. The bibliography includes: Poetry, Prose, Journalism, George Meniuc on literary issues, ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Kolomoițev, Tatiana; Detișin, Olga (Museum, 1996)
    The bibliography is dedicated to the painter Glebus Sainciuc and includes paintings, graphics, portraits of famous people, literature about the painter's life and work, interviews, conversations, his articles, artistic ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Pânzari, Ludmila (Museum, 1995)
    The bibliography is dedicated to the poet Grigore Vieru and includes his work as a poet, publicist, translator, composer, songs based on the poet's verses, speeches, interviews, journalistic articles, literary criticism, ...
  • Unknown author (Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”, 2021)
    The paper is about Moldovan writer Ianos Turcanu
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Biblioteca Publică Transilvania; Centrul de Informare și Documentare „Chișinău”; Capiţa, Ludmila; Foiu, Taisia; Pohilă, Vlad; Kulikovski, Lidia (Museum, 2006)
    Biobibliografia este dedicată aniversării a 55-a a scriitorului lanoş Țurcanu şi reflectă creaţia şi activitatea sa ca poet, prozator, publicist, parodist, textier. The biobibliography is dedicated to the 55th anniversary ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Biblioteca Publică Transilvania; Centrul de Informare și Documentare „Chișinău”; Capiţa, Ludmila; Foiu, Taisia; Pohilă, Vlad; Scobioală, Genoveva; Kulikovski, Lidia; Onciu, Parascovia (Grafema Libris, 2011)
    Biobibliografia este dedicată aniversării a 60-a a scriitorului Ianoş Ţurcanu şi reflectă creaţia şi activitatea sa ca poet, prozator, publicist, parodist, grafician, textier şi coordonator al unor editii. Lucrarea este a ...

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