For the Municipal Library "B.P. Hasdeu" book collecting with autographs is an activity that has become a tradition. More, librarians have developed a passion not only for collecting autographs, but also to preserve them, making use of them through these special editions,
published by our institution. Autograph book collections have began to expand in every library of the Municipal Library network, constituting a natural result of the activities in which they participate prominent personalities from various fields, who then donate to the library
those books.
Catalogul cărților cu autografe și dedicații din colectia Bibliotecii
Municipale „B.P. Hasdeu” / Biblioteca Municipala „B.P. Hasdeu” ; ediție
îngrijita de Mariana Harjevschi ; concept și coordonator: Lidia Kulikovski ;
alcatuitori: Lidia Ciornaia [et al.] ; redactor bibliograic: Irina Osovski. –
Chișinau : [S. n.], 2024 (Bons Offces) – . – (Colecția „Bibliographica”, ISBN
978-9975-134-81-1). – ISBN 978-9975-4369-5-3.
2012-2022. – 2024. – 548 p. – Cu suportul fnanciar al Primariei Municipiului
Chișinău. – [100] ex. – ISBN 978-5-36241-327-9.