This biobibliography is dedicated to Ion Proca and reflects his activity as a journalist, poet, prose writer, playwright, translator. Chronological limits of biobibliography - 1978-2008
The structure of the work reflects the journalistic and literary activity of the writer and includes the following sections: Chronological table, Introductory studies, Opera (Special editions, edited books; Verses in collections and periodicals; Prose in periodicals; Translations; Reviews; Introductory words, comments, prefaces, presentations; Interviews made by Ion Proca), References about life and literary activity (Interviews with Ion Proca; Literary criticism references), Auxiliary indexes (Name index; Index of poems from collections and periodicals; Index of periodical publications).
Ion Proca : biobibliografie / Bibl. Mun. "B.P. Hasdeu", Bibl. Publ. "Transilvania", Centrul de Inform. şi Document. "Chişinău" ; alcăt. : Ludmila Capiţa ; echipă de creaţie : Parascovia Onciu, Tatiana Donţu, Maria Staver, Faina Zubcu ; ed. îngr. de Lidia Kulikovski. – Chişinău : Grafema Libris, 2008. – 192 p. : foto