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  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Centrul de Informare și Documentare „Chișinău”; Biblioteca Publică Ovidius; Cebotari, Margareta (S.n., 2009)
    The research of informational sources about Dobrogea was carried out on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Ovidius Library, a branch of the Municipal Library "B.P. Hasdeu" from Chisinau.
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Biblioteca Publică de Drept; Antufiev, Silvia; Tașcă, Mihai (Cartea juridică, 2016)
    The encyclopedic dictionary Doctori în drept din Republica Moldova, 1959-2011 includes the biographies of personalities who contributed to the development of jurisprudence in the Republic of Moldova.
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Filiala de Arte „T. Arghezi” (S. n., 2015)
    This work contains bibliography with biographical notes about Vladimir Curbet's activity – compositional works, choreographic, ethnographic and folkloristic research, and information about the activity of the National ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Biblioteca Județeană „Duiliu Zamfirescu” Focşani; Biblioteca Publică „Ștefan cel Mare”; Fîntînaru, Teodora; Oprișan, Nicoleta; Ciornîi, Lidia (S.n., 2007)
    The biobibliography reflects the life and activity of the prose writer, poet, essayist and diplomat Duiliu Zamfirescu. The work includes introductory studies written by Mihai Cimpoi and Ioan Adam; chronological table, ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Verebcean, Taisia (Biblioteca Municipală B.P. Hasdeu, 1989)
    The bibliographic index reveals the creation of Dumitru Matcovschi poet, prose writer, academician, publicist and playwright from the Republic of Moldova. The index is partially annotated and contains: novels, short stories, ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu” (Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”, 2017)
    In 2017, the Municipal Library obtained financial support from the LPA for the procurement of various technologies, to be used for the delivery of modern services for users.
  • Kulikovski, Lidia (Epigraf, 2010)
    This paper presents a version of multiple possibilities for capitalizing on the didactic game in the educational activity at the level of preschool and young school children.
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Filiala „Alba Iulia” (Grafema Libris, 2013)
    This biobibliography is dedicated to Elena Tamazlâcaru. He presents materials from his activity as a journalist, essayist, poet, prose writer, presenter, author and editor of TV shows. The work is structured in three main ...
  • Pohilă, Vlad; Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu” (S. n., 2017)
    Acest volum include articolele de 12 ani ca autor de editoriale pentru revista de specilitate BiblioPolis. Volumul Elogiu lecturii însumează 50 de editoriale ce fac referință la lectură. Această carte este recomandată ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Centrul Academic Internațional Eminescu (Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”, 2020-06-15)
    The event took place at the Eminescu International Academic Center, a branch of the Municipal Library, with the general Mihai Eminescu at 131 years old.
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Filiala „Onisifor Ghibu” (S. n., 2015)
    Obiectivul acestui volum, al cuprinsului dat este personalitatea poetului Eugen Cioclea văzută în recenzii, cronici, studii literare, în omagii, schiţe de portret, dialoguri. La finalul lucrării găsim și o bibliografie selectivă.
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Salinschi, Angela (Universitas, 1993)
    The index refers to the life and creation of the composer Eugen Doga and includes: instrumental creations, vocal creations (choirs, solo songs, children's songs), disc recordings, interviews, conversations, articles with ...
  • Harjevschi, Mariana (S. n., 2014)
    This paper aims to elucidate the issues regarding the initiation, elaboration and harmonization of policies in the national library system of the Republic of Moldova as a factor of library modernization.
  • Kulikovski, Lidia (Institutul de Științe ale Educației, 2003)
    The thesis treats the library Services for disable persons. It is defined the disable persons category, it is realized a historic research of the problem, on national and international level, are examined the legislation ...
  • Țurcan, Nelly (Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”, 2021)
    This paper is addressed to practitioners in the field librarianship and information science, as well as other specialists who conducts research activities. The paper guides any librarian who must read and critically evaluate ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu” (Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”, 2020-09)
    Be smart! Get a smart card is a campaign to attract and retain users at the Municipal Library.
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu” (Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”, 2020-10-20)
    September for the Municipal Library „B.P. Hasdeu” became the most intense and active registration period for obtaining the access card (reader permit). A period in which the Municipal Library wanted to remind parents, ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu” (Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”, 2020-09)
    Be smart! Get a smart card is a campaign to attract and retain users at the Municipal Library.
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu” (Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”, 2020-09-07)
    The campaign “Be smart! Get a smart card” took place between September 7-30, 2020 within the Municipal Library network. The access to the library is based on the access card, free, unique and non-transferable, which offers ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Onciu, Parascovia; Capiţa, Ludmila; Donțu, Tatiana; Pohilă, Vlad; Kulikovski, Lidia (Grafema Libris, 2011)
    Ediția a fost elaborată cu prilejul aniversării a 20 de ani de la fondarea Bibliotecii Transilvania, filială a Bibliotecii Municipale „B.P. Hasdeu”, și conține omagii aniversare, opiniile bibliotecarilor, publicațiile ...