HAPEs - Institutional repository of "B.P. Hasdeu" Municipal Library

Browsing Exegeze literar-bibliografice by Subject "poeti"

Browsing Exegeze literar-bibliografice by Subject "poeti"

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  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Filiala „Onisifor Ghibu”; Răileanu, Vitalie (Junimea, 2018)
    The volume represents an anthology of literary criticism that contains the most representative reviews, presentations, literary chronicles, studies, dialogues, opinions about the Eugen Cioclea poet, essayist and publicist ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Filiala „Onisifor Ghibu”; Răileanu, Vitalie (Detectiv Literar, 2017)
    The volume represents an anthology of literary criticism that contains the most representative reviews, presentations, literary chronicles, opinions about the Ion Vatamanu writer, poet, scientist from the Republic of ...
  • Răileanu, Vitalie; Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Biblioteca Publică „Onisifor Ghibu”; Chiriță, Gheorghe; Kulikovski, Lidia (Grafema Libris, 2013)
    Volumul include o serie de dialoguri și câteva schițe de portret ale unor personalități (academicieni, profesori universitari, scriitori) precum: Academician Gheorghe Duca, Academician Mihai Cimpoi, Mihail Dolgan, Elena ...
  • Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”; Biblioteca Publică „Onisifor Ghibu”; Ciocanu, Ion; Răileanu, Vitalie (TipoMoldova, 2015)
    The volume includes biographical data about the critic and literary historian Ion Ciocanu, a vast material about the poetic work of some authors from Bessarabia, essays, chronicles, book presentations of the poets: Alexei ...
  • Răileanu, Vitalie (Tipo Moldova, 2016)
    The volume represents an anthology of literary criticism that contains the most representative reviews, presentations, literary chronicles, opinions, polemics about the writer, playwright, screenwriter Nicolae Esinencu. ...

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